Wednesday 20 February 2008

Life style Choices and our Statement

Our video touches upon the student life style and the choices we make. Students and other teenagers today are being swept up in worrying fads and lifestyle choices. Drug use is at its highest, bring drinking is happening all over the country and thousands of teenage girls are becoming obsessed with the dangerous size zero fad.

Our video aims to make and an ambiguous statement on these lifestyle choices, as we ourselves are hypocrites, we go out and drink but also at the same time realise how dangerous binge drinking is.

We have used fun shots put to a fast upbeat track, which to some viewers , such as another student, may look to promote the life style. Where as to another viewer, such as a parent or some one who does not 'go out' the video may act as a something to highlight how bad this is. As well as starting the video with a fun and upbeat feel, the film ends abruptly as the footage gets quicker and less steady. The film ends with the subject walking down an alley to be sick. We used the same camera angle as the shower scene at the beginning to highlight the juxtaposition between the sobriety at the beginning of the night and the reckless and dangerous intoxication at the end of the night.

The 'binge drinking' that this country is riddled with has been reported to cost this country £20 billion pound a year. The following statements have been taken from a BBC news report.

-The study by the Prime Minister's Strategy Unit shows 17 million working days are lost to hangovers and drink-related illness each year.

-The annual cost to employers is estimated to be £6.4 billion while the cost to the NHS is in the region of £1.7bn.

-Billions more are spent clearing up alcohol-related crime and social problems.

-In addition, alcohol-related problems are responsible for 22,000 premature deaths each year.

-They found that there are 1.2 million incidents of alcohol-related violence a year.

-Around 40% of A&E admissions are alcohol-related. Between midnight and 5am that figure rises to 70%.

-Alcohol-related accidents and illnesses land around 150,000 people in hospital each year.

-Up to 1.3 million children are affected by parents with drink problems, the report said.

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