Wednesday 20 February 2008

Filming Techniques

The shot of the customers getting served at a bar is also ambiguously filmed, it is unsure whether the subject is watching them get served and waiting for service herself, or if the camera is simply documenting what is happening in the bar. This level of ambiguity is to reflect upon the confusion induced by drinking alcohol.

We also played around with less normal camera angles. For example when we filmed the shower scene we filmed from inside a clear plastic box as to protect the camera but to allow the water to seemingly fall on the camera. This is a lot more effective than shooting the shower from the side. It also suggests that the film is shot from the subjects point of view, which is something we purposefully played around with through out the film, we didn’t want to stick to filming from one perspective.

We used different techniques to film each scene choosing what suited the particular scene best. For example when the subject is putting on her make up we chose a very tight close up shot, this was to pin point the viewers attention and reflect the subjects concentration. Because the film is made up of lots of quick cuts and edits, we could not risk wide shots as the viewer may miss what is important to see in each shot.

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