Wednesday 20 February 2008


Now knowing what theme we want our video to follow, we have decided to look at other movies of a similar theme for ideas and inspiration. We both looked at the Skins trailer and then Fran went on to look at Trainspotting and I decided to look at Human Traffic.

HUMAN TRAFFIC was made in 1999 and was both written and directed by Justin Kerrigan. The film follows a group of friends who live in Cardiff as they go clubbing over the course of one weekend. In the film the characters take drugs and have various sexual partners, the film also looks at the aftermath and effects of this behaviour.
Although Human Traffic covers many things that we don’t in our film, such as drug use and sexual exploits I still feel the films are closely linked. Human Traffic follows their weekend from their point of view, the characters express their points of view and tell their stories to the camera, this really helps the viewer connect with the film and feel as though they are experiencing the weekend as well. I hope to be able to achieve this with our video. This will be hard as we will not be including any narrative, but I hope as the film follows getting ready through to the end of the night, the viewers of our film will feel as connected as is possible with a 4 minute film. Below I have included the films trailer. It is put to a soundtrack and this more closely reflects our video. The shot changes to the beat of the song and the tension and excitement is built from beginning to end. This film, its short edits and close camera angles have highly influenced how we will shoot and edit our film.

SKINS is an English tv show about teenagers and how they live their life. The trailer shown below has been a massive influence on our video. Both Fran and I greatly enjoy this trailer and think it has been well done. It uses similar techniques of fast short cuts to an upbeat sound track in order to entice the audience to watch the rest of the show. The subject matter as well as the techniques used is quite similar to ours. It touches upon the modern day culture of binge drinking and partying that our Video explores.

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